Flaccianello della Pieve 2007, Fontodi
Torino, 21 November
Lot sold
USD 264 - 528
EUR 250 - 500 (listed)
USD 264 - 528
EUR 250 - 500 (listed)
TypeWines & Spirits
Lot number163
Year of manufacture2007
From the private cellar of a wine expert SF: At a recent tasting at Banca del Vino in Pollenzo we were given the chance to taste certain historic vintages of this label which made a great impression on us, showing their incredible ability to evolve positively over time, leaving behind their over-abundance of youthful matter and transforming themselves into Tuscan pure-breds. (3 bts)

Aste Bolaffi
Via Cavour 17
10123 Torino TO