Year of manufacture1960
Motorcycle typeStreet
Brand colourSilver
Recommended fuel typeNormal
Coys Auction - The Nürburgring
Saturday 9th August 2008 Motor Cars at 17:00
Viewing: Friday 8th August from 10:00 to 19:00
Saturday from 10:00
Admission by catalogue only - admits two.
It is a little known fact that an aeronautical engineer named Carradino D''Ascanio, responsible for the design and construction of the first modern helicopter, was given the job of designing the first scooter for Enrico Piaggio, the son of Piaggio motorcycles founder Rinaldo Piaggio. Enrico had a true vision - the vehicle had to be easy to drive for both men and women, be able to carry a passenger and keep the driver''s clothes reasonably dry and clean. The Vespa was born and went on to motorise the masses, not only in its native Italy but the world over, with Vespas built under licence in many European countries as well as India and South America.
This rare Vespa GS 150 is fitted with an even rarer sidecar and has been