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Tracking system for classic cars goes on sale

The majority of classic car owners are willing to forego modern creature comforts in return for the unique experience of owning a characterful period car. But the pleasure classic ownership brings can quickly be overturned by the accompanying absence of security; a shortfall that TRACKER claims to have remedied.

Yes, a modern security system can be retrofitted to almost any motor car, but not while preserving its all-important originality – wiring looms need to be infiltrated and unsightly holes may need to be cut into the dashboard, thus destroying the integrity of the owner’s pride and joy. But TRACKER has unveiled its solution: the ‘Battery Powered TRACKER Retrieve’.

As the name suggests, the system runs on battery power – but its own supply, rather than piggy-backing onto the car’s existing unit – meaning that the system continues to safeguard its host in the event of the vehicle’s battery running flat. The company claims that the self-contained unit’s power source can last up to five years.

The winter months are particularly threatening to the security of classic cars: they are often stored away to protect them from undesirable weather conditions, but this can inadvertently make them susceptible to criminals. “Professional car thieves will often know where a vehicle is being stored and will be planning ahead to either steal to order or take the car for parts”, says TRACKER Managing Director Stephen Doran. “Classic car owners really do need a security solution that doesn’t rely on drawing from the car’s own power source and which offers robust protection without spoiling the look of the vehicle.”

The ‘Battery Powered TRACKER Retrieve’ system is available for £249, including a year’s subscription worth £99. For more information, visit or call the sales department on 0500 090909.

Text: Joe Breeze
Photos: Newspress