Move over Blackberry, there’s a new kid on the block in the shape of the T-Mobile MDA Pro. It’ll soon find its way into the pocket of anyone on the move who needs email and internet access combined with a mobile ‘phone.
If the name ‘MDA Pro’ doesn’t have quite the same cachet as ‘Blackberry’ (although who would have thought the humble fruit found growing wild throughout the world would come to mean the height of electronic sophistication?), the device packs the added punch of wi-fi W-LAN connection speed (when in coverage) that beats GPRS hands down. Folding the keyboard out gives the user a QWERTY keyboard and clear TFT colour screen. You can easily make emails, quick changes to Word documents or Excel sheets on the move. It also has a camera that can take stills and video, it’s java-enabled, and has Bluetooth for audio and data, infra-red and will synch with your PC.
And the other big plus is that it is 3G (UMTS) compatible so it will accept high-speed data access and video-streaming. With 3G, GPRS and W-LAN it has all the bases covered.
Berlin-based technology experts space2go have developed an affordable software solution for mobile operators and companies with many employees on the move, to really make use of the latest mobiles with notebook capacity like the MDA Pro. Companies such as Volkswagen, Swiss Com and Siemens use space2go software for mobile email management.
With 3G and a MDA Pro you will have fast access to the world wide web wherever you go.
Further information can be found at and
Text: Classic Driver
Photos: T-Mobile
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