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Quench your classic 4x4 thirst with this ex-Fire Service Fiat

Tired of the Land Rover Defender stealing all the headlines? This ex-Italian Fire Service Fiat Campagnola has its own interesting story to tell…

Maintained in the line of duty

For those who don’t know, the Campagnola was Fiat’s answer to the Land Rover – a heavy-duty off-road vehicle that, with a helping hand from the Italian government, was distributed to every Italian armed force and emergency service until 1987. This convertible example was delivered new to the Fuoco Volontari di Cimego (Cimego Volunteer Fire Department) in 1985, where it remained in service until 2009, when the local government sold the car to a German dealer. In turn, said dealer sold the car to an American collector in Carolina who, in the two years since taking delivery, has used the car sparingly – just 12,745km show on the clock.

Complete with its factory hardtop, this Campagnola is in remarkably original condition having never been re-sprayed or restored. It’ll go under the hammer at The Finest Automobile Auctions’ April Online Auction on 9 April, estimated at 25,000-45,000 US dollars. 

Photos: The Finest

You can find the entire catalogue for The Finest Automobile Auctions’ April Online Auction listed in the Classic Driver Market.