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Meet ‘Marsha’… a DB6 by any other name

Joining ‘Genevieve’, ‘Eleanor’ and other ladies in the car collectors’ garage is ‘Marsha’ — better known to you and me as a rather nice 1967 Aston Martin.

She’s been loved and cared for by the same family for the last 37 years. However, as is so often the case, there always comes a time for youngsters to leave home. At 46, Marsha might have left that decision a little longer than most, but, well, you know… the cost of housing nowadays.

In fact, it’s due to her bijoux double-garage being needed for a redevelopment project that has meant her searching for new accommodation. A sad story, so if your heartstrings are feeling a little tugged, do look in the Classic Driver Marketplace for Marsha’s contact details, and how she’d like to be looked after in the future.